Expression of interest and waiting list
Do you think your dog would enjoy our daycare and are you interested in a spot? Does your dog meet the criteria under the tab "Is my dog a good fit for daycare?"? Then you can send us a freely worded expression of interest where you tell us about your dog and your need for daycare.
When a vacant daycare spot opens up, submitted expressions of interest are reviewed to assess which individual would fit best into the existing daycare pack. As we are very keen on a well-functioning herd dynamic, the order on the waiting list is not based on who contacted us first, but on matching individuals. Dogs with good everyday obedience and neutered dogs are usually given priority. We therefore reserve the right to accept or reject a request for a daycare spot based on our professional assessment of the dog's ability to fit into the pack.
We always start with a visit to the daycare where the staff gets to meet the potentially suitable dog to determine if the dog would fit into the pack, as well as to go over information and any wishes. Based on the visit and all the information written in the expression of interest, the daycare manager then decides whether the dog gets a daycare spot or not.
The daycare has both regular and temporary spots. The temporary spots are time-bound, while regular spots are assigned to dogs that work very well in the pack, these are valid indefinitely.